Wednesday, October 12, 2016

"A Needle's Eye" as a symbol of Kether by W.B. Yeats

I want to try to discuss about his magical skills in his symbols. 

The symbols in Yeats's art works are based on Yeats's magical skills, so his magic theory would be absorbed in his poetry and story books.

I think his magical skills are practical to search for the Holy Grail to get to the New Age as the Knight Parcifal. Of course, the Daimonic world makes the New World but the secular world is still secular

which is dominated by the law of  Karma.

Yeats tried to awaken the Divine Feminine in the world as the Holy Grail, Sophia. Red Hanrahan is Magician- adept- poet to awaken the sleeping Beauty, Sophia.

Now I guess that his magical skills are different from the sages, his predecessors with traditional Rosicrucianism and Cabbalah, although his magic skills are belonging to the traditional Cabblah and Rosicrucianism.

I would like to explain the Needle's eye also is a symbol of the Cabbalah, the Tree of Life.

It shows the symbol of Kether.

A Needle's Eye


All the stream that's roaring by
Came out of a needle's eye;
Things unborn, things that are gone,
From needle's eye still goad it on. 


I surf on the web for the Kether as "a point" which means "needle's eye" :

"Kether has many titles: Existence of Existences, Concealed of the Concealed, Ancient of Ancients, Ancient of Days, Primordial Point, the Smooth Point, the Point within the Circle, the Most High, the Inscrutable Height, the Vast Countenance (Arik Anpin), the White Head, the Head which is not, Macroprosopus. Taken together, these titles imply that Kether is the first, the oldest, the root of existence, remote, and its most accurate symbol is that of a point. Kether precedes all forms of existence, all differentiation and distinction, all polarity. Kether contains everything in potential, like a seed that sprouts and grows into a Tree, not once, but continuously. Kether is both root and seed. Because it precedes all forms and contains all opposites it is not like anything. You can say it contains infinite goodness, but then you have to say that it contains infinite evil. Wrapped up in Kether is all the love in the world, and wrapped around the love is all the hate. Kether is an outpouring of purest, radiant light, but equally it is the profoundest stygian dark. And it is none of these things; it precedes all form or polarity, and its Virtue is unity. It is a point without extension or qualities, but it contains all creation within it as an unformed potential. " 


Yeats shows Kether as a magician, I think.  How do you think about my thought?

I would like to publish a book for Yeats's hidden magical skills in his art works.

Yeats once told that "I look at what I have written with some alarm, for I have told more of the ancient secret than many among my fellow-students think it right to tell."


Yeats told tha he wrote the "hidden things" so "I have often felt my tongue become just so heavy and clumsy."    

Kether in Tree  of Life is shown to his poem "A  Needle's Eye" but he might feel his words are clumsy.

Monday, July 25, 2016

 Dear Magus and Gnostics in the world,

Recently I wrote a song for W.B. Yeats's special song "He Wishes for the Cloths of Heaven."

I think that his dreams and magical power would awaken the Divine Feminine in the world, Daughter Sophia.

I know now he is the chosen man as the Knight and magician.

I should respond to his song and his devotion now, for I was awakened from his songs.

 Enjoy the song to celebrate for the great adept's magical song.

 Rose Mina


The Response

-For W.B. Yeats’s poem “He wishes for the Cloths Heaven”

                                                                  Written by Mina

At last I can respond to your song

“He wishes for the Cloths Heaven.”

Your song was made all your dreams 

Which gives me the hidden Wisdom

So I can respond your song now.

And your songs come to me as the carpet of Heaven

Weaved with golden and silver light

And with some dark, blue and red light.

The time for our meeting would not come

At that time, so your heart was so sad and poor.

But you made the song with your dreams for us,

With magician’s mystic dreams and power. 
          And the dreams gave me the key of Wisdom.
Your magic power could weave the carpet

So it flew highly to the sky and came beyond

The mountains and beyond the seas.

Now I could understand your all dreams.

So I could be awakened by your songs

From the long sleeping to rely on

Against the gate of the Heavens.

One by one I can throw away the pieces

Of y the magic dream to respond to 

Your magic power for searching for Excalibur.

        As we can be flying with the carpet of Heavens

        The holy Jerusalem with twelve gates

        Comes down into the world with your songs.

        I could fly highly on the carpet of Heavens

        Like a new bride on the sedan chair

        And I would tread on your dreams of the songs

        To enter into the Holy Jerusalem.

         At last I would pray for you

         To throw away your old care and worrying.

         Because I am growing up from day to day

         To understand your mystical dream songs as you see.

         People in the world are all blind and deaf of your songs,

         Only I can listen and understand the mystical meanings,

         So I could respond to you like this.

         Oh, although your love is so poor and bitter,

         Your magical songs would be hanging

         On the wall of the Holy Jerusalem

         And flapping forever as the universal flag of victory.